I came across this book I’m going to tell you about total­ly by accident…wait…I don’t believe that things just hap­pen by accident.

While I’m in my kitchen cook­ing, I have the lux­u­ry of being able to lis­ten to audio books, pod­casts, Youtube interviews.…you name it, any­thing avail­able as audio, I can plug in to it. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when hav­ing the Sol­id Gold Oldies music chan­nel on the TV play­ing in the back­ground is more my mood, but most of the time, my brain craves inspi­ra­tion and growth.

Three days ago, I lis­tened to an inter­view with Eric Worre and a spunky woman (who looks SO much like one of my friends.…uncanny!) named Mel Rob­bins.

I was so drawn in by her ener­gy as she shared her sto­ry and her dis­cov­ery of this “sim­ple, stu­pid thing” (her words) she calls The 5 Sec­ond Rule. I imme­di­ate­ly pur­chased her book…by that same name…on Audi­ble and start­ed to lis­ten. After fin­ish­ing it in less than two morn­ings in my kitchen…it’s about a sev­en hour listen…I decid­ed I need­ed the hard­back as well.

She is bla­tant­ly hon­est, gen­uine and fun­ny as she shares how five sec­onds can tru­ly change your life. Even if you are a self starter and don’t need to 5..4..3..2..1 GO.…yourself out of bed in the morn­ing, I have to believe that absolute­ly EVERYONE who reads or lis­tens to her book, will come away with some moments that her rule will come into play.

I know it has in mine and what a dif­fer­ence it has made…

Guess what? This post? All because I said 5…4…3…2…1.…GO.

Mak­ing that deci­sion real­ly only takes 5 seconds… 

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