LIVE BETTER in Health and Prosperity


Better Food

Mak­ing it easy to enjoy healthy, deli­cious meals for you and your family!


Better Health

Shar­ing sim­ple habits and tools that will help you live a health­i­er and bet­ter life!


Be inspired

Be alive… in the moment… lift some­one up, learn some­thing new… live BETTER!

Come Learn With Me

I get it — tak­ing care of your­self can be tough.

And there’s so much to learn! When I start­ed my health-focused per­son­al chef busi­ness, In Good Taste, I had lim­it­ed cook­ing skills!

But I learned along the way – and if that isn’t a nec­es­sary life skill, I don’t know what is! 

And that’s what mature women like you and I do. We learn, and we grow, and we prac­tice liv­ing bet­ter every day. 

I’d love to take this jour­ney with you. 

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Inspiration to live better

Chicken Noodle Soup…No Monkey Business!

Chicken Noodle Soup…No Monkey Business!

I promise you, this recipe will not dis­ap­point! First of all, it could­n’t be eas­i­er and you can make a small amount or a big pot full (which is what I do…all the time!) I encour­age you to watch the video if you haven’t seen it already on Face­book! Chick­en Noodle…

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Ducks In A Row

Ducks In A Row

Ducks in a row…my per­son­al sto­ry of loss, sur­vival and how hav­ing my ducks in a row saved me.

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Rotini Ratatouille

Rotini Ratatouille

Com­fort food any­one? This one bowl meal is loaded with veg­gies and will sat­is­fy that crav­ing for pas­ta with­out the guilt!

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