I love things that work. Peri­od. I orig­i­nal­ly did this Face­book LIVE close to the Hol­i­days last year and I think it deserves anoth­er show­ing in this post.

Since Spring is here, I know the surge of “Spring clean­ing” activ­i­ties are com­menc­ing and maybe a good kitchen review is in order.

If you have a “gad­get” you excit­ed­ly pur­chased and then became annoyed with when it did­n’t per­form the way you antic­i­pat­ed, maybe it’s time to let it go if it’s been tak­ing up valu­able stor­age space.

The 5 tools I demon­strate in the video are a few of my favorite “kitchen helpers”. They are sim­ple, cost effec­tive and so easy to use AND store.

  • OXO Man­dolin
  • Hamil­ton Beach Par­ty Crock
  • Chef’n Veg­giechop
  • OXO Cook­ie Bat­ter Scoops
  • Titan Veg­gie Peelers


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