This recipe is my twist on one I found on Gina’s SKINNY TASTE site years ago.

It’s so easy and loaded with veg­gies and I love the roti­ni in it, but it would be deli­cious with­out it or add some broth to it and make it into a veg­gie soup!



Rotini Ratatouille

Serv­ings 6 serv­ings
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 12 oz bags Three Pep­per and Onion Blend, Kroger frozen brand or 4 large col­or­ful bell pep­pers and 1 large onion, all sliced thin and coarse­ly chopped.
  • 8 oz mush­rooms sliced
  • 1 medi­um zuc­chi­ni cut in half length wise and sliced thin
  • 1 medi­um yel­low squash cut in half length wise and sliced thin
  • 2 — 3 15 oz cans diced toma­toes with basil, gar­lic and oregano I use the Red Gold brand, add 3 cans if you like a lot of tomatoes!
  • 1 — 2 tbsp Ital­ian sea­son­ing to taste
  • 2 tbsp toma­to paste
  • salt and pep­per to taste
  • 2 1/​2 cups dry Bar­il­la Plus Roti­ni pas­ta cook and set aside


  • Pre­pare all of the veggies…if using the frozen pep­pers and onions, thaw in the microwave and drain the excess moisture.
  • Add the olive oil into a large skil­let over medi­um heat.
  • Add the onions and pep­pers and if using fresh, saute until ten­der. The frozen blend will already be soft enough.
  • Add the mush­rooms, zuc­chi­ni and squash and con­tin­ue cook­ing until tender.
  • Add the toma­to paste, diced toma­toes and Ital­ian sea­son­ing and sim­mer togeth­er for 5 — 10 min­utes, taste for seasoning.
  • Add the cooked roti­ni pas­ta, fold­ing it in to com­bine and warm through and serve!


A note about the pasta…the Bar­il­la PLUS brand…it’s in a yel­low box…is high in pro­tein and is my all time favorite and only pas­ta I use. It holds up great after freez­ing and is so delicious!
You can add the dry pas­ta in to the sim­mer­ing veg­gies along with a bit of water and the pas­ta will cook that way too…your call! It will take 10 – 12 min­utes sim­mer­ing cov­ered for the pas­ta to become tender.

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