Optimal Wellness…Simplified


Lonicera Longevity

Our Mod­exus flag­ship prod­uct, Lonicera Longevi­ty, sup­ports your body in opti­miz­ing the mas­ter antiox­i­dant, glu­tathione, in not just one, but two dif­fer­ent ways by deliv­er­ing a patent­ed, clin­i­cal­ly proven ready-made form and by sup­ply­ing a spe­cial­ized pre­cur­sor blend.

A COMPLETE nutr­tion­al sup­ple­ment, Lonicera Longevi­ty is the leader for opti­mal wellness.

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


Lonicera LIft

Lonicera Lift is a state of the art ener­gy and brain per­for­mance for­mu­la designed to help you feel and per­form at your best every day by over­com­ing the feel­ing of brain fog, being slug­gish and tired.

When sup­ply­ing your body with the right key nutri­tion­al fac­tors, you can feel vibrant with moti­va­tion, focus and men­tal clarity!

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


Lonicera Tranquility

Relax­ation, sleep renew­al, and health blood pres­sures are very impor­tant for your qual­i­ty of life, long term health, and dai­ly well being. 

Tran­quil­i­ty, our ulti­mate “chill pill”, is a pow­er­ful blend of all nat­ur­al botan­i­cals designed to sup­port relax­ation and restora­tion which in turn sup­ports the man­age­ment of anx­i­ety, stress and by default, healthy blood pres­sure for millions. 

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


Lonicera Rhythm

Rhythm is the A‑Z tar­get­ed sup­ple­ment for a wom­an’s vibrant health from the pre-teen years through maturity.

This syn­er­gis­tic for­mu­la­tion is designed to nat­u­ral­ly ease and calm PMS symp­toms includ­ing hot flash­es, night sweats, headaches, back ache and mood swings as well as pro­vid­ing opti­mal nat­ur­al nutri­tion for ALL cycles of a wom­an’s gen­der spe­cif­ic health.

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


Lonicera Cadence

CADENCE is the per­fect tar­get­ed sup­ple­ment for a man’s spe­cif­ic nutri­tion­al needs and opti­mal male health.

This syn­er­gis­tic for­mu­la may nutri­tion­al­ly sup­port and enhance per­for­mance in many areas and con­di­tions includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to slow­ing down the aging process, keep­ing the male hor­mone sys­tem bal­anced, improved prostate health, sex­u­al func­tion and the abil­i­ty to attain and main­tain an erec­tion, improved over­all mus­cle strength, mood bal­anc­ing and enhance­ment, increased dai­ly sta­mi­na, resilience, and much more.

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


Relieve AU

Relieve Au IS the GOLD STANDARD in nat­ur­al pain management! 

A stan­dard­ized for­mu­la­tion and con­cen­trat­ed blend of Lonicera Caerulea super berry, Maqui super berry, Sting­ing Net­tle extract, Horse­tail extract, Cel­ery extract, Gar­lic extract and Sen­tramin® organ­ic min­er­al com­plex, this pow­er­ful nutri­tion­al offers supe­ri­or nat­ur­al pain managment.

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!



Pro­bio BALANCE IS the GOLD STANDARD in clin­i­cal­ly proven pro­bi­ot­ic meta­bol­ic support!

Unlock­ing the true poten­tial of pro­bi­otics pro­mot­ing over­all well-being, ground­break­ing research has unveiled a pro­found con­nec­tion between gut health, car­dio­vas­cu­lar func­tion, and heart well-being. In our pur­suit of advanced gut-heal­ing solu­tions, Mod­exus has har­nessed the pow­er of whole cell extrac­tion and genet­ic sequenc­ing. The result is Pro­bio BALANCE, the pin­na­cle of Pro­bi­ot­ic Meta­bol­ic Sup­port Nutrition. 

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


MODEXUS Female Balance Pack

This trio of Mod­exus nutri­tion­als were inten­tion­al­ly grouped togeth­er by Dr. Rouse for a COMPLETE wom­en’s month­ly sup­ple­ment option at an incred­i­ble value. 

Designed for women of ALL AGES, from 8 to 98, these pow­er­ful nutri­tion­als keep women feel­ing their best EVERY day of the month!

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


Modexus Male Balance Pack

This trio of Mod­exus nutri­tion­als were inten­tion­al­ly grouped togeth­er by Dr. Rouse for a COMPLETE men’s month­ly sup­ple­ment option at an incred­i­ble value. 

Designed for men of ALL AGES, these pow­er­ful nutri­tion­als keep men feel­ing their best each and every day!

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!


USA Lonicera YES! Pack

This trio of Mod­exus nutri­tion­als were inten­tion­al­ly grouped togeth­er to pro­vide great val­ue with your opti­mal health in mind.

Longevity…a COMPLETE nutr­tion­al sup­ple­ment, LIFT…for moti­va­tion and focus, and Tranquility…for relax­ation, healthy blood pres­sure and sleep renewal! 

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!



Cre­at­ing AND con­sis­tent­ly main­tain­ing the prop­er immune, gut and car­dio­vas­cu­lar BALANCE is vital to our Longevi­ty and Best Qual­i­ty of LIFE! 

The MODEXUS LIFE Pak is for our Advo­cate and Cus­tomer needs based in the US mar­ket pro­vides a great month­ly val­ue allow­ing you to enjoy the very best of the Mod­exus LIFE expe­ri­ence everyday!

For a com­plete overview with prod­uct ingre­di­ents and detailed infor­ma­tion, click on SHOP NOW!

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