Simple Solutions, Real Results

Sim­ple, excep­tion­al solu­tions that elim­i­nate the con­fu­sion and set you up to WIN. You’ll feel con­fi­dent and secure about being in charge of your health!

These tes­ti­mo­ni­als are from peo­ple, just like you, that made the deci­sion to take bet­ter care of them­selves and put their health FIRST!


Winning the sleep battle…

Meet Gail…she lives in Cana­da, and is in the cos­met­ics indus­try. Here is what she has to say about Tran­quil­i­ty.

“I have dealt with severe pain issues most of my adult life which have made qual­i­ty sleep almost impos­si­ble. Our bod­ies heal best with high qual­i­ty sleep, so the bat­tle for con­sis­tent­ly good health has been a strug­gle. I am thank­ful every­day to have a nat­ur­al sup­ple­ment with no habit form­ing qual­i­ties and now my sleep pat­terns are 100% bet­ter which has led me to improv­ing my health all the way around!

Thank you Mod­exus Lonicera Tranquility!”


Reducing Meds, saving money…

Barb is an office man­ag­er for vet­eri­nar­i­an clin­ic in Litch­field Park, Ari­zona. These are her words on how Lonicera Longevi­ty has made an impact on her life!

“I am grate­ful to have been using the Mod­exus prod­ucts for sev­er­al months now and due to the syn­er­gis­tic blend­ing of these high qual­i­ty ingre­di­ents, after the 6 month mark, I have been able to go off my statin meds, mul­ti­ple vit­a­mins, extra B12 and D3, and more.

All of what I was pur­chas­ing and using sep­a­rate­ly is avail­able at a high­er qual­i­ty with Lonicera Longevi­ty. What an incred­i­ble sav­ings of time and money!”


Blood work Reveals the Results…

Stef­fanie McK­ay from Wil­low Grove, Penn­syl­va­nia, noticed sig­nif­i­cant changes after a few months using Longevi­ty...

“Upon first being intro­duced to Lonicera Longevi­ty, my elec­trolyte lev­els, iron lev­els, and oth­er key health indi­ca­tors were all off and not even close to where they need­ed to be.

Now that I have been on the Longevi­ty for a few months, my recent blood work is show­ing all lev­els back to nor­mal ranges AND I have been able to sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the med­ica­tions and sup­ple­ments I was using before…a win for my health AND my month­ly budget!”


The Game Changer…

As a busy real­tor and entre­pre­neur, Lisa Albert­son from Carmel, Indi­ana, was thrilled to final­ly find a solu­tion to her rest­less nights!

“I have strug­gled with get­ting a full night’s sleep for years. I have nev­er tried pre­scrip­tion meds, but have tried teas, holis­tic sup­ple­ments and var­i­ous types of CBD.

When intro­duced to Tran­quil­i­ty, I start­ed using 2 cap­sules about half an hour before bed and I have been sleep­ing through the night, wak­ing up refreshed and not at all grog­gy. I will not be with­out this prod­uct…Tran­quil­i­ty is a game changer!”


Relieving Pain Naturally…

Being in pain is debil­i­tat­ing and impacts your qual­i­ty of life!

I’d like to intro­duce you to Mon­i­ca. Mon­i­ca lives in Indi­ana, is a phar­ma­cy tech and this is what she has to say about what she’s found that has changed her life!

“Joint and back pain made dai­ly life a strug­gle for me for years. Sim­ply get­ting out of bed in the morn­ing was dif­fi­cult. Relieve AU has pro­vid­ed amaz­ing and con­sis­tent results and I am now enjoy­ing an active dai­ly life pain free! It’s been a total game chang­er and could­n’t be hap­pi­er with my results using this nat­ur­al sup­ple­ment for man­ag­ing my pain!”


A true Answer to my Prayers…

Toni Nolte from Hamp­ton, Vir­ginia, is no stranger to supe­ri­or products…

“I have been using top shelf nat­ur­al sup­ple­ments for over 20 years and know what is real and that the mar­ket is flood­ed with infe­ri­or options that don’t pro­vide real results.

Need­ing to find a prod­uct that I could trust to pro­tect my immune sys­tem, my intro­duc­tion to Lonicera Longevi­ty as been an answer to prayer.” I’m stay­ing healthy, my hot flash­es are min­i­mal­ized and I con­tin­ue to enjoy addi­tion­al ben­e­fits with con­sis­tent dai­ly use. Longevi­ty and Mod­exus is my num­ber one choice for opti­mum wellness!” 


Aging younger…

Lori and her hus­band live in Aberdeen, South Dako­ta, and as busi­ness and farm own­ers, they live an active, out­door life. 

“Our life is tru­ly an adven­ture and to keep our sta­mi­na and clear think­ing at our best and the phys­i­cal pain at a min­i­mum, the Relieve AU along with the full line of Mod­exus Lonicera prod­ucts, has made all the dif­fer­ence for us!

Stay­ing healthy and keep­ing every­thing in check is a must. The Mod­exus prod­ucts are tru­ly help­ing us “age younger” and we are blessed to have found them!”


Keeping My eyes on the Road…

Car­ol Leonard, a hair­styl­ist from Evans­ville, Indi­ana, is so thank­ful for Lonicera Lift in her life!

“Hav­ing a fair­ly hec­tic life and a lot of miles on my car week­ly, I am so hap­py to have Lonicera Lift for men­tal clar­i­ty, focus, sta­mi­na, and an over­all sense of well being.

Lift is amazing…zero jit­ters or the dread­ed crash on the back end!”


THe Power Of One Bottle…

As a busy busi­ness own­er in Carmel, Indi­ana, Myr­na Brady found her well­ness answer!

“As a busi­ness own­er and con­sul­tant, keep­ing myself healthy has always been a top pri­or­i­ty. Lonicera Longevi­ty has allowed me to main­tain opti­mum well­ness, despite the health chal­lenges we all face in today’s World.

I love being able to reach for ONE bot­tle to get all that I need to max­i­mize my immune sys­tem and live my best life daily.

Thank you Mod­exus!


Clarity and Focus…

“Every­one needs that lit­tle bit of extra to max­i­mize each and every day with­out com­pro­mis­ing your health.”

Antionette Craig from Arnos Vale, Trinidad and Toba­go, continues…“The clar­i­ty, focus, and ener­gy achieved with Lonicera Lift by Mod­exus is fan­tas­tic! I LOVE my Mod­exus experience!”


The Heartbreak of Psoriasis…

A pic­ture can be worth a thou­sand words…

So many peo­ple can relate to this before and after pic­ture of my friend, Lisa’s arms.

I suf­fered from pso­ri­a­sis for years. Dis­cov­er­ing a holis­tic inter­nal solu­tion to this awful auto immune skin issue has been life chang­ing for so many people.

Lonicera Longevi­ty deliv­ers our mas­ter anti oxi­dant, glu­tathione in two pow­er­ful ways, help­ing your body heal and thrive!


A joyful mom…

This is a tes­ti­mo­ni­al from a friend of mine that is so touch­ing and hope­ful for how pow­er­ful holis­tic nutri­tion can be.

“My 3 year old son has always had a hard time with his speech and I was going to sched­ule an appoint­ment with a speech ther­a­pist, but since tak­ing these sup­ple­ments, his speech has improved so much that he no longer needs a speech therapist!! 

I’m just thrilled how these are help­ing him!! Plus, he’s also a more relaxed and hap­py child, which is a huge blessing!!!”


Better Training, Better Results…

“As a pro­fes­sion­al ath­lete, I am always look­ing for a healthy advan­tage for the gym via increased sta­mi­na and recovery.”

Dar­rin Grosenick from Red Deer, Cana­da, shares his results with Lonicera Lift.

Lonicera Lift allows me to focus and blow through my work­outs with almost unlim­it­ed dri­ve and the moti­va­tion to train longer and more effi­cient­ly. In 30 years of train­ing and com­pe­ti­tion at a pro lev­el, Lift is with­out reser­va­tion on of the high­est qual­i­ty prod­ucts I have ever used. Mod­exus has hit a home run with this nutri­tion, I am feel­ing unstoppable!”


My Personal Fountain of Youth…

Ric McGrew is from Cov­ing­ton, Louisiana and recent­ly retired from his career as an ortho­pe­dic nurse. 

“Upon retire­ment, I set a per­son­al goal to stay active and fit. Hav­ing recent­ly turned 70 years of age, some days my body and ener­gy lev­els have dif­fer­ent ideas, so hav­ing the right “moti­va­tion” tool can be quite helpful.

Lonicera Lift is my per­son­al “foun­tain of youth” help­ing me achieve my dai­ly activ­i­ty goals includ­ing rid­ing my bike 4 miles a day.

With the addi­tion of Lift, 70 is my NEW 40!”


Well Care Is Our Responsibility…

Dave Mote is a pur­chas­ing man­ag­er and lives in Colum­bus, Indi­ana. These are his thoughts on the impor­tance of great health.

“Despite being a care­giv­er and sur­round­ed by sev­er­al fam­i­ly mem­bers deal­ing with today’s health con­cerns, I have remained healthy and active by increas­ing my Lonicera Longevi­ty dos­ing and pay­ing atten­tion to over­all “well care”.

Yes, “well care” is our respon­si­bil­i­ty and I am grate­ful to Mod­exus for pro­vid­ing top notch nutri­tion to fur­ther a great qual­i­ty of life.”


One amazing little pill…

A retired school teacher from Lake Mary, Flori­da, Sharis Pike shares how Lonicera Tran­quil­i­ty is mak­ing a dif­fer­ence for she and her husband!

Lonicera Tran­quil­i­ty is amaz­ing! One tiny cap­sule before I go to bed allows me to relax and get into a qual­i­ty and reju­ve­nat­ing sleep pat­tern at night. My hus­band takes 2 cap­sules before bed and 1 in the morn­ing to nat­u­ral­ly sup­port and nor­mal­ize his blood pres­sure. Tran­quil­i­ty can do so much for so many.

Afford­able, non-habit form­ing, nat­ur­al and the bot­tom line, it WORKS!” 


The Power Of Immune Support…

Chris Tano Mor­gan from Stock­ton, Cal­i­for­nia, had a scare recently.

“The threat of infec­tion via my grand­daugh­ter being exposed to a virus, is wor­ri­some for most. As a care­giv­er for my 83 year old mom with health issues, most would pan­ic, but we have Lonicera Longevi­ty. We upped our Longevi­ty dos­es, prac­ticed social dis­tanc­ing, dis­in­fect­ing, wash­ing hands and we were blessed with neg­a­tive results.

My mom is doing fine and we are so thank­ful for this great immune sup­port nutri­tion­al! These pow­er­ful antiox­i­dants are pro­tect­ing and boost­ing our immune sys­tems! Thank you Modexus!


Thriving Over Chemo

Thriving Over Chemo

Chemo kills…it’s why it’s used to fight can­cer. This is a pow­er­ful tes­ti­mo­ni­al of thriv­ing using holis­tic nutri­tion­al sup­port while on chemo for stage IV cancer.

read more

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