Chemo kills…it’s why it’s used to fight cancer.

But it’s not selec­tive either and can cre­ate numer­ous oth­er health issues in the process.

I’m pas­sion­ate about help­ing peo­ple dis­cov­er solu­tions that sup­port being proac­tive with “well care” and tes­ti­mo­ni­als are impor­tant to share.

This one from Tracey is powerful…she’s not only an RN, she also has a func­tion­al med­i­cine prac­tice and has incor­po­rat­ed the Mod­exus suite of prod­ucts in order to sup­port her clien­t’s health and well­ness needs.

She’s “bridg­ing the gap between the physi­cian and you” and you can learn more about Tracey on her web­site at Take Back Living.

“I’m so thank­ful to Mod­exus and Longevi­ty.

My Mom has stage IV esophageal can­cer and has been going through chemo treat­ments with­out one sin­gle side effect thanks to this product.

Yes, the proof is in the blood work and all of her labs are excel­lent and with­in nor­mal limits!

Her oncol­o­gist told us how rare it is for some­one who is receiv­ing this spe­cif­ic chemo drug to not have any nerve dam­age, espe­cial­ly when she has MS which weakens/​destroys her nerves.

In addi­tion she start­ed out ane­mic and with an iron infu­sion and the Longevi­ty her red blood cells are back to bet­ter than nor­mal levels.

Again he just mar­veled at her responsiveness!

Praise God for this prod­uct so she doesn’t have to suf­fer. Thank you!”

If you or some­one you love is look­ing at chemother­a­py as part of a treat­ment plan, why not take the time to learn how a pow­er­ful, holis­tic nutri­tion­al could sup­port that fight and help you THRIVE through that experience!

I’m in your cor­ner, let’s talk.

And I’m here if you’re ready to learn how I help women find sim­ple well­ness solu­tions for a healthy, vibrant and pros­per­ous future…simply click here to make that happen.

You ARE in charge…be good to YOU!

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