I LOVE Boursin gar­lic and herb cheese spread…

That being said, it’s expensive!

For 5.2 ounces, the price varies from $5.26 to $7.49 depend­ing on the store…and hon­est­ly, 5.2 ounces is NOT enough in my opinion!

This recipe was shared with me some time ago and I keep a tub on hand most of the time, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer months.



Better Than Boursin

Author Liz Geeslin


  • 1 8 — 16 oz cream cheese, block or tub I love the whipped tub cream cheese, but any ver­sion works great!
  • 2 tbsp but­ter, melted
  • 4 – 6 gar­lic cloves grated…use fresh, not the jarred minced!
  • 1/​2 tsp Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt This makes all the difference!
  • 1 — 2 tbsp dried pars­ley flakes


  • Put the cream cheese into a small mix­ing bowl…save the con­tain­er if using the tub cream cheese.
  • Melt the but­ter in a small microwave dish.
  • Grate or crush the gar­lic and add it to the melt­ed but­ter along with the salt and pars­ley flakes.
  • Pour into the cream cheese and mix well.
  • Scoop back into the tub and refrigerate.


I love using this spread for all kinds of things!
On sand­wich­es, baked pota­toes, crack­ers, veg­gies and bread to name a few!

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