Wellness Adventures…

Be Inspired to Live Better!


Here we go!

I’m SO EXCITED to be able to put togeth­er a library of some sim­ple, fun and DOABLE pro­grams with my BodySite provider account that will help make well­ness an ADVENTURE instead of a chore…

And did I men­tion they’re FREE?

Every­thing from some mind­set and fit­ness chal­lenges to kick­start­ing a detox pro­gram to some fun food spe­cif­ic plans!

It’s time to make your well­ness a BETTER adventure!


10 Day Metabolic Detox

This sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly designed pro­gram includes tar­get­ed nutri­tion, a mod­i­fied elim­i­na­tion diet, sim­ple exer­cise, and basic rec­om­men­da­tions for stress management. 

After just 10 days, many peo­ple notice improved ener­gy with few­er both­er­some symptoms.

Click on the pho­to to take you there!


21 Days of Mindfulness with Jennifer Grace

Jen­nifer­’s 21 Days of Mind­ful­ness is a jump start into the pow­er of liv­ing in the moment and let­ting go of the restraints of past and future. 

This plan is the per­fect accom­pa­ni­ment to any lifestyle pro­gram, diet, exer­cise plan or as a stand­alone course.

Click on the pho­to to take you there!


Gluten Free Mediterranean Diet

If you’re look­ing for a heart-healthy eat­ing plan that is also gluten free, this diet is right for you. It is rich in raw fruits, veg­eta­bles and healthy fats.

This plan is fit for those are gluten intol­er­ant, or are sim­ply try­ing to embrace a health­i­er lifestyle and may be a good frame­work for those who have celi­ac disease.

Click on the pho­to to take you there!


At home fitness plan

For peo­ple who do not have a gym mem­ber­ship, work­ing out at home can be just as effective. 

This 8‑week plan requires only some dumb­bells, a mat and your own body weight. It’s great for any­one who is con­di­tioned but wants to lose body fat and get in bet­ter shape. 

Plan is deliv­ered to your email dai­ly and text mes­sages are optional!

Click on the pho­to to take you there!


Clean 28 healthy life

The Clean 28 Healthy Life pro­gram is all about eat­ing healthy foods: lean meats, lots of fruits and veg­eta­bles, low carbs, and only fats that are healthy such as avo­ca­dos, olive oil and nuts. 

This is a low-carb, mod­er­ate pro­tein, mod­er­ate fat diet, nev­er exceed­ing 1200 calo­ries. Carbs nev­er go over 20% per day.

Click on the pho­to to take you there!


The Lean 13 — Get in Shape in 20 Minutes

This 13-Week pro­gram is for every­one. Start slow and build up to strong. 

Three 20-minute work­outs each week result in a total of one hour of exer­cise per week for a total of 13 hours over 13 weeks. 

Option­al high inten­si­ty inter­val train­ing makes it the ide­al flex plan for all to try at their inten­si­ty level.

Click on the pho­to to take you there!


Vegan Plant Based Diet

A plant-based diet can be defined as a way of eat­ing that focus­es on whole, clean, nat­ur­al foods that have had no chem­i­cal pro­cess­ing or genet­ic mod­i­fi­ca­tions involved from the point of cre­ation to deliv­ery to your plate. 

This ver­sion is ful­ly VEGAN. By the end of this pro­gram, you will have a bet­ter knowl­edge of what it means to eat clean, how to choose whole foods and will even start to feel the health ben­e­fits that come with eat­ing plants! 

Click on the pho­to to take you there!

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