I am apol­o­giz­ing right off the bat to those of you that like EXACT mea­sure­ments of ingredients…I am a “by gosh or by gol­ly” gal and those of you that have read any of my pre­vi­ous recipes know I preach to be adven­tur­ous and exper­i­ment and to use the recipe as a GUIDE and a source for your own inspiration!

This is NOT a good tech­nique in bak­ing! Bak­ing is like chemistry…it’s sci­ence and every ingre­di­ent in the recipe is usu­al­ly required in the spe­cif­ic amount in order to have the final prod­uct turn out.

So now let’s talk about this “schtoup”. I can’t remem­ber what cook­ing show host called a thick, stew like soup a “schtoup”, but I like that word so we are going with it…

First, you will see in the instruc­tions that instead of the chopped onions, cel­ery and green pep­per, you could sub­sti­tute 2 — 12 oz bags of the Kroger Cajun Mire­poix blend frozen veg­eta­bles. These are big time savers and if your gro­cery store has a sim­i­lar prod­uct, use it.…save your­self a step!

Next, pick out the line­up of veg­eta­bles that YOU LIKE! Some­times when I make a soup like this (mind you, it changes ALL THE TIME) I might use corn, cau­li­flower and broccoli…or peas…or lima beans…I hope you see where I’m going with this…

But I do always use diced tomatoes…because I real­ly like them and I think they add a lot of fla­vor and color.

And the beans.…prefer dark red kid­ney beans? GO! Gar­ban­zos? YES! Want 4 cans instead of 3? DO IT!

And now the seasonings…I use a lot of the blends from Penzeys…Northwoods, Cajun, Turkish…along with cumin, sweet cur­ry, oregano…the list goes on. I real­ly just wing this part and let my taste buds be my guide.

Be as adven­tur­ous or con­ser­v­a­tive as you feel…after all, it’s your “schtoup”!



Hearty Vegetable White Bean “Schtoup”

A hearty, healthy veg­etable soup with unlim­it­ed ingre­di­ent options!
Course Soup
Serv­ings 10
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cups diced onion
  • 2 cups diced cel­ery
  • 2 cups diced green pepper
  • 1 quart chick­en broth
  • 1 12 oz bag frozen crin­kle cut carrots
  • 1 12 oz bag frozen green beans
  • 1 12 oz bag frozen chopped spinach
  • 1 28 oz can diced fire roast­ed toma­toes I used Muir Glen
  • 2 15 oz cans diced toma­toes with basil, gar­lic and oregano I used Red Gold
  • 3 15 oz cans Great North­ern beans drained and rinsed
  • sea­son­ings of your choice!


  • Pre­pare the diced veg­eta­bles or use 2 — 12 oz bags of Kroger Mire­poix /​Cajun Blend frozen vegetables.
  • Heat olive oil in a large stock pot over medi­um heat and add the diced vegetables.
  • Saute veg­eta­bles for 5 min­utes or so, then add the chick­en broth and bring to a simmer.
  • Add the frozen veg­eta­bles, toma­toes and sea­son­ings of your choice.
  • Cov­er and bring to a low boil, stir­ring occasionally.
  • Low­er the heat, uncov­er and taste for sea­son­ings, adjust if necessary.
  • Add the drained beans.
  • Sim­mer over low heat until the veg­ta­bles are ten­der, about 20 — 30 minutes.
  • Serve with crusty bread!


This recipe makes a nice big pot of soup. If you like more broth, add addi­tion­al chick­en or veg­etable broth.
Soup freezes BEAUTIFULLY! Por­tion into indi­vid­ual serv­ings for a quick lunch or into a larg­er con­tain­er for an easy impromp­tu din­ner with friends that only requires heat­ing up and toast­ing some arti­san rolls to com­plete the meal!

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