Hi, I’m Liz.

It all start­ed with a horse.

Yes, it real­ly did…

Her name was Echo, and I spent two years mow­ing lawns, sell­ing guinea pigs, and col­lect­ing pop bot­tles (remem­ber when you could get paid to recy­cle?) to buy her. Lucky for me, my par­ents matched my sav­ings, and we brought that won­der­ful mare home when I was 11.

Have you ever felt drawn to fol­low your own path?

To fol­low your gut and do what’s right for you?

I know. Me too…

Echo tugged me down a path I had nev­er planned to take. I knew when I left high school, after work­ing with hors­es for sev­er­al years, that the col­lege path was not for me.

I began work­ing full time in the horse indus­try and nev­er looked back…my entre­prenur­ial jour­ney had begun…

And I think you’re like that too…you want more in your life…

And we both know that the choic­es we make to LIVE BETTER now are the only ones that count.

Liz Geeslin, author at Better Lifestyle Solutions


After a career in the horse indus­try, a new path was once again call­ing my name. And this time, I didn’t hes­i­tate. By now, I was a vet­er­an risk-tak­er, and I knew it would work if I fol­lowed my heart.

Learn­ing to use the tools of a healthy lifestyle had already changed my life: I lost 30 pounds and learned how to keep it off.

And I was pas­sion­ate to share that with others.

So I launched my per­son­al chef busi­ness, In Good Taste! Over the last 20 years, I’ve helped dozens of clients eat well, live well, and find healthy, bal­anced lifestyles.

And I didn’t stop there. I’ve searched con­sis­tent­ly for the best solu­tions for health and well­ness that are SIMPLE and get results.

This was the next piece for me to help oth­ers LIVE BETTER…

Look­ing for inspi­ra­tion for easy, healthy din­ners? My blog has every­thing you’re look­ing for.

After dis­cov­er­ing solu­tions for sim­pli­fy­ing my own health and well­ness, I can show you a way out of your health jour­ney con­fu­sion with sim­ple solu­tions right here.

If you’d like to hear from some real peo­ple like you and I, shar­ing their expe­ri­ence with these sim­ple well­ness solu­tions I love, take a stroll through my results and tes­ti­mo­ni­als page.

And for a fun video fea­tur­ing Echo, the horse that kick­start­ed my entre­pre­neur­ial jour­ney, just scroll down and press PLAY.

Thanks for vis­it­ing, and I hope you love it here just as much as I do.

Here’s to liv­ing better…in well­ness, together.

Once upon a time…Too corny? We’re going with it…

Born in 1954 and raised in Cal­i­for­nia, I start­ed my entre­pre­neur­ial adven­ture at a very ear­ly age. Born with the “horse bug”, I was deter­mined to have a horse.

When I was nine, my par­ents and I made a deal… if I could fig­ure out a way to earn mon­ey… remem­ber, I was nine… that they would match what I earned. It took me two years and lots of lawn mow­ing, bot­tle dri­ves, guinea pig sales and numer­ous oth­er ven­tures to do it, but I did it and just shy of my 11th birth­day, I had saved $125.

The good news is, my par­ents held up their end of the bar­gain and my first horse, Echo, was pur­chased. As it turns out, I was born with a true gift for rid­ing and “com­mu­ni­cat­ing” with hors­es, which steered me away from col­lege towards work­ing full time in the horse industry.

And my life adven­ture continues…

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