I tend to do a lot of things on a whim and this soup is the result of just that.

I was at Cost­co in the veg­etable fridge room and spot­ted a con­tain­er of cubed organ­ic but­ter­nut squash and knew I would be mak­ing some soup.…I put it in my cart.

The toma­toes in my orig­i­nal recipe were actu­al­ly toma­toes I had just cooked down from the last batch from our farmer friend’s gar­den. It sound­ed good to me to include them in the soup so the crushed toma­toes in the recipe are the sub­sti­tute for those I used.

And here is a clip from a Face­book LIVE I did on how I cut up a but­ter­nut squash.

The Titan peel­ers I men­tion in the video are FABULOUS and can be ordered from Ama­zon or they are also avail­able at Bed Bath and Beyond.

They are a set of two, one is the straight peel­er I show AND anoth­er that ZOODLES veg­eta­bles beau­ti­ful­ly! You can get rid of that spiralizer!

Have fun mak­ing this EASY, deli­cious soup and as always, make it your own!



Roasted Butternut Squash and Tomato Soup

Course Soup
Serv­ings 8 serv­ings
Author Liz Geeslin


  • Immer­sion blender, food proces­sor or blender


  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup onion, diced
  • 2 medi­um but­ter­nut squash or about 8 cups pre cubed squash
  • 1 15 oz crushed toma­toes
  • 1 quart chick­en broth or chick­en bone broth or enough to make to your desired consistency
  • sea­son­ings of your choice
  • top offs of your choice I love sriracha and sour cream!


  • Pre­heat oven to 425.
  • Peel and cube the squash into 1 inch cubes and toss in 1 tbsp olive oil and salt and pepper.
  • Place the cubed squash on a foil or parch­ment paper lined bak­ing sheet and roast for 20 – 30 min­utes or until very tender.
  • In a large soup pot over medi­um heat, add 2 tbsp olive oil.
  • Add the onions and saute until translu­cent, add the cooked squash and the crushed tomatoes.
  • Add a cou­ple cups of the broth and use the immer­sion blender to puree or move into a blender or food proces­sor to blend. 
  • Con­tin­ue adding broth until the soup has the con­sis­ten­cy you like.
  • Now add sea­son­ings YOU like…I used Pen­zeys Turk­ish Sea­son­ing and some cumin and of course, salt and pep­per. Smoked Span­ish Papri­ka would be great too.…experiment!!

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