It’s Fri­day, the day after Thanksgiving…

We had the plea­sure of being invit­ed to be with some won­der­ful friends for Thanks­giv­ing dinner.

We were told not to bring any­thing, but we did insist on bring­ing dessert and hap­pi­ly showed up with an apple and a pump­kin pie.…yes, you guessed it…from Costco…both were delish!

When the meal was over, like most Thanks­giv­ing meals, there were OODLES of left­overs. Diane, our host­ess, insist­ed we take home most of the left­over turkey…and I obliged.

In the video above, I share a frozen roast­ed veg­etable dis­cov­ery I made at Cost­co ear­li­er this week and it is includ­ed in this recipe.

For those of you that have been fol­low­ing my recipes and cook­ing style, it is VERY “By Gosh or By Golly”.…so quite often, the mea­sure­ments are vague. I encour­age you to “make it your own” and use my sug­ges­tions as INSPIRATION and sub­sti­tute with what you have on hand…keep it SIMPLE and easy on yourself!

Here is the PuraVi­da Foods website…and you can search by your loca­tion! https://​puravi​da​-foods​.com/

And for those of you that would like to receive my month­ly newslet­ter, here’s an invite! https://​bet​ter​lifestyles​o​lu​tions​.com/​i​n​v​i​t​a​t​ion


Turkey And Roasted Vegetable Soup

Author Liz Geeslin


  • 2 quarts chick­en broth
  • 1/​2 bag PuraVi­da Roast­ed Veg­etable Melange
  • 1 10 — 12 oz frozen chopped spinach
  • 6 — 10 cups chopped cooked turkey
  • 2 cups mashed pota­toes option­al — I had some in the freez­er I want­ed to use up.
  • dried porci­ni much­room power
  • smoked Span­ish paprika
  • cumin
  • salt and pepper


  • Add broth to a large soup pot and bring to a simmer.
  • Add the veg­eta­bles, except for the frozen spinach. bring back to a simmer.
  • Add the diced turkey and taste for salt and pep­per, add to taste.
  • This is the order I added the sea­son­ings, tast­ing after each:
    Porci­ni pow­der, smoked Span­ish papri­ka, cumin…substitute with what­ev­er YOU like!
  • Add the frozen chopped spinach and warm through and serve.…with crusty bread!

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