OK…I get it.…you are won­der­ing “what in the world is a PFC muffin”…

There is a good chance if you pop in and read some of my blog posts, that you might find me refer­ring to “eat­ing PFC”.

PFC is short for Protein…Fat.…Carbohydrate and when these ele­ments are in bal­ance, so is your blood sug­ar. And when your blood sug­ar is in bal­ance, you burn fat, have reduced crav­ings and are set­ting your­self up to win at improv­ing your health.

These muffins have an ingre­di­ent that has become one of my favorite “tools” in my dai­ly rou­tine for keep­ing me on track and feel­ing great. Zen Fuze helped me cre­ate a per­fect­ly bal­anced PFC muffin.

The menu and recipe plan­ning soft­ware I use for my per­son­al chef business cal­cu­lates the nutri­tion­al infor­ma­tion when I cre­ate a recipe so I can exper­i­ment with ingre­di­ents to achieve the results I’m after. It was sev­er­al tri­al and error bak­ing episodes before the fla­vor and tex­ture final­ly came together.

And a note on the lemon extract. At first, I tried fresh zest, fresh lemon juice, Pen­zeys Lemon Peel and noth­ing gave enough lemon fla­vor. The first time I used lemon extract, I used some I had in my pantry that was a store brand and prob­a­bly out­dat­ed (shame on me). It did the trick for acquir­ing the lemon fla­vor, but the muffins had a bit­ter after­taste. I rec­om­mend using Pen­zeys Lemon Extract, or one from a rep­utable spice shop, it will make a dif­fer­ence I am sure. I made a com­ment in the recipe that I will try 3 tea­spoons the next time.…because I just love lemon!

And here’s the numbers!

Per muf­fin: Calo­ries 125  Pro­tein 10.5 g (33.7%)  Fat 4.9 g (35.4%) Carb 9.9 g (31.7%)

Please reach out if you have any ques­tions or if you want more infor­ma­tion on incor­po­rat­ing a PFC lifestyle for bet­ter health!


Power Zen Lemon Zucchini Muffins

A per­fect­ly bal­anced PFC muf­fin that is deli­cious and GOOD FOR YOU!
Course Break­fast, Snack
Prep Time 10 min­utes
Cook Time 18 min­utes
Total Time 28 min­utes
Serv­ings 12 muffins
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 1 cup Kodi­ak whole grain flap­jack mix
  • 2 scoops Zen Fuze, vanil­la bliss con­tact me for infor­ma­tion on this fab­u­lous product!
  • 1 table­spoon chia seeds
  • 6 table­spoons hemp hearts
  • 1/​2 cup Ste­via
  • 1/​2 tea­spoon kosher salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3/​4 cup liq­uid egg whites
  • 1/​2 cup almond milk, unsweetened
  • 1 table­spoon coconut, olive or avo­ca­do oil
  • 1 table­spoon lemon extract
  • 1 medi­um zuc­chi­ni grat­ed


  • Pre­heat oven to 350.
  • Add the first 6 ingre­di­ents to a small bowl, stir to combine.
  • Add the remain­ing ingre­di­ents, except the zuc­chi­ni to a larg­er bowl and mix well.
  • Add the grat­ed zuc­chi­ni to the wet mix­ture, stir and then add the dry ingredients.
  • Stir well to blend all of the ingredients.
  • Use a sil­i­cone muf­fin tray and por­tion into 12 muffins and place on a bak­ing sheet.
  • Bake for 15 min­utes, check and add 3 – 5 min­utes if need­ed to feel firm to the touch.
  • Remove, cool and store in a plas­tic bag or con­tain­er in the fridge or freezer.….


These are real­ly great warmed in the microwave for 20 seconds.…pour your­self a cup of cof­fee or tea and enjoy! Plus, they are a great snack any­time of day!

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