This method of putting togeth­er a lasagna just might change your life…well, that might be a lit­tle bit of a stretch, but hon­est­ly, it’s the bomb!

I did this Face­book LIVE back in 2018 and since I’ve been asked to make lasagna for some of my clients for the upcom­ing Hol­i­day sea­son, I thought it was a good time to get this method of mine out there…

Here’s my Clas­sic Lasagna recipe that also has a short video to show you how sim­ple it is to por­tion it into 8 per­fect pieces…

This tech­nique will work on any of your favorite lasagna recipes, so give it a try…I’ve been told it’s a game changer… 🙂

And do let me know if you do give it a go!

PS: There are quite a few recipes in my Face­book Group in the FILES sec­tion, but I’ve been post­ing them here on my Inspi­ra­tion Blog as of 2020.…enjoy!

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