These are two of my favorite people…we’ve been friends for over 40 years…WOW.

Barb and her Mom were very excit­ed to add the Lonicera prod­ucts into their dai­ly rou­tine and here is what Barb has to say about their experience:

“Here’s what we (Mom and I) have expe­ri­enced after one month on the Lonicera prod­ucts.… both Lift and Longevity.

Mom, who turns 98 at the end of August, feels more ener­gy on a dai­ly basis. She nor­mal­ly takes the two prod­ucts in the ear­ly morn­ing. One day, dis­cov­er­ing that she had for­got­ten to take them, she took them in the late afternoon.

Not real­iz­ing how much they had increased her ener­gy pre­vi­ous­ly, she sud­den­ly felt like the “Ener­giz­er Bun­ny”.. and kept get­ting up look­ing for things that need­ed doing! She now takes them in the morn­ing to have the extra ener­gy to spread over the whole day!

For my expe­ri­ence (hav­ing just turned 73) I’ve noticed, in addi­tion to extra ener­gy, an increased abil­i­ty to focus my atten­tion on spe­cif­ic things.

For exam­ple… my dai­ly rou­tine that includes a med­i­ta­tion prac­tice has always been a chal­lenge due to “mon­key mind”.. the wan­der­ing thoughts that intrude on my attempts to focus on God…I have noticed less “mind wan­der­ing” since begin­ning the Lonicera prod­ucts.

We look for­ward to increased health and well-being in gen­er­al as we con­tin­ue on these great prod­ucts!

Thank you Barb…you and your Mom are per­fect exam­ples of mak­ing your health a pri­or­i­ty and liv­ing life to it’s FULLEST!

Love you bunches…

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