Some­times you need to change things up. Try some­thing new.

While star­ing into my pantry try­ing to get inspired, I noticed the 2 large sweet pota­toes look­ing at me that I bought last week. It’s final­ly feel­ing “sum­mer-ish” here, so sal­ad always comes to my mind. They were cry­ing to be used, so my mis­sion was ON.

You real­ly can find every­thing on the internet…just ask Google a cou­ple ques­tions and WAH LAH…answers…sometimes WAY more than you want or need.

I typed in sweet pota­to sal­ad and found what I was look­ing for…something clean, sim­ple and had ingre­di­ents I already had on hand. My recipe is a tad dif­fer­ent from the orig­i­nal recipe, but still close.

Enjoy and put your own twist on it…I’m think­ing some diced jalapenos will make it into mine the next time!


Roasted Sweet Potato Salad

A col­or­ful, nutri­tious twist to tra­di­tion­al pota­to salad!
Serv­ings 6 serv­ings



  • 2 very large sweet pota­toes peeled and cut in 3/​4 inch cubes
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1 t salt and pepper
  • 15 ounce can black beans drained and rinsed
  • 1 bunch green onions thin­ly sliced
  • 1 large red bell pep­per diced small
  • 1 cup corn I used 2 ears of cooked corn on the cob…can use thawed frozen or canned
  • 1 bunch cilantro chopped fine­ly
  • 3 T hemp hearts great to add in for so many healthy reasons!


  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 T Dijon mus­tard
  • 2 T lemon or lime juice
  • 1 T hon­ey or agave use 2 T if you like a bit more sweetness
  • salt and pep­per to taste
  • cayenne pep­per option­al, to taste


  • Pre­heat oven to 425.
  • Toss cubed sweet pota­toes in olive oil and salt and pep­per, spread on a bak­ing sheet lined with parch­ment paper or foil.
  • Roast for 20 min­utes, check and if fork ten­der, remove, or add more time if needed.
  • While pota­toes are roast­ing, com­bine beans, pep­per, onion, corn, cilantro and hemp hearts in a medi­um bowl and make the dressing.
  • Add the cooked sweet pota­toes and the dress­ing and toss. taste for seasoning.


This sal­ad holds great in the fridge for sev­er­al days so enjoy as is or as a fill­ing for veg­an tacos or enchiladas!

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