In Decem­ber 2018, I received an email from Sketch­book Skool. I was on their email list after tak­ing some amaz­ing cours­es in 2014.

The email includ­ed a down­load called A Draw­ing A Day 2019 which con­sist­ed of a page for each month with a word for each day of the month. I was intrigued! I was miss­ing mak­ing time to do a lit­tle art and so I decid­ed to chal­lenge myself and com­mit to doing a drawing/​painting every day for the whole year of 2019.

I start­ed on Jan­u­ary 1 with the word IMAGINE1…it was the begin­ning of a 365 day adven­ture with my sketch­book, pen­cils, pen and watercolors…I was excit­ed to make the com­mit­ment to myself.

On Feb­ru­ary 9, I decid­ed to upload pho­tos of the pic­tures I had already done into a Face­book pho­to album called A Draw­ing A Day…and then would add each new pic­ture into the album dai­ly. This is where this jour­ney takes a whole new turn. I received mes­sages from a few gals that because of what I was doing, they were inspired to make time and pick up their paint brush­es again, set­ting their alarms 30 min­utes ear­li­er so they could make time to play with art. Wow.

Then on April 17, I decid­ed to add a quote that used the word of the day, but did­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly rep­re­sent the draw­ing I did…which actu­al­ly over time, some did but not always. The word for April 17 was BOOT 1and the quote I picked by Hen­ry Rollins was “My opti­mism wears heavy boots and is loud.” I love that quote. And now the con­ver­sa­tions were flow­ing with each new picture.

Some of the quotes were by authors and friends would post how much they loved their books, oth­er quotes stirred emo­tions, made peo­ple laugh and some pic­ture and quote com­bi­na­tions con­nect­ed peo­ple in awe­some con­ver­sa­tions. It real­ly turned into quite an adventure…every day. A sim­ple pic­ture with a sim­ple quote.

I’m not sure which pic­ture was the most pop­u­lar, but sev­er­al come to my mind that touched peo­ple in some way or anoth­er. It was a jour­ney I shared, and in doing so I received so many bless­ings and new friends and hope­ful­ly inspired oth­ers to start a jour­ney of their own.

If you’ve been hold­ing back from try­ing some­thing new or revis­it­ing some­thing that brought you joy, stop wait­ing. The final word for 2019 was INTENTION and is the fea­tured image on this post. Pick up and run your life with intention…you won’t want to miss out on the fun…

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