I would like to begin this post with an apol­o­gy. I have been putting off this par­tic­u­lar post because I was wait­ing for the “right” time to take the video. Ridicu­lous excuse. And I’m leav­ing for vaca­tion (Hawaii…with my bestie…51 years of friend­ship) tomor­row, so I need­ed to get on it.

And it dawned on me that my last post was about The 5 Sec­ond Rule so why in the world was­n’t I…5..4..3..2..1…GOing with this post! No more wait­ing for the per­fect time…do it now.

Before I start­ed to pack my warm weath­er clothes, I jim­my rigged a set­up on my kitchen island that allowed me to use both of my hands to demon­strate the dif­fer­ence between the Cuisi­nart and the KitchenAid immer­sion blenders. My set­up was a tis­sue box bal­anced on top of an invert­ed plas­tic pitch­er, phone lay­ing on top of the tis­sue box…pure genius…OK, laugh­ing and snick­er­ing allowed…

I real­ize it is bet­ter to have your videos look pro­fes­sion­al, but I think you will get the point I am try­ing to make and the visu­al demon­stra­tion makes the dif­fer­ences in the two blenders obvious.

I use my immer­sion blender ALL the time…in fact, I can’t remem­ber the last time I used my reg­u­lar blender. Here’s a great arti­cle from one of my favorite resource sites, TheK­itchn. Take a look, there are uses you might not have thought of that will save you time and help you think out­side the blender!

If you have a kitchen tool you love, I’d love to hear about it, so share in the comments!


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