I love that pic­ture. Me and my first horse, Echo. We learned A LOT together.

After read­ing this post, I start­ed think­ing about the dif­fer­ent things I have learned to do in my life.

It became VERY CLEAR that I learned how to do some­thing quite sim­ply by JUST DOING IT. Over and over and over again.…and even­tu­al­ly, I got good at it.

Was there pain? Sure, but not unbear­able. Were there frus­tra­tions? Absolute­ly, but worth it. Did I grow in the process? Isn’t that the point? TO GROW.

If you have read my About page, you already know that I lived my child­hood dream train­ing hors­es for 35 years and at the age of 49 decid­ed to leave the horse indus­try to become a per­son­al chef. 

Yes, that change was scary.…and excit­ing. Look­ing back now after 14 years in busi­ness, that com­bi­na­tion of uncer­tain­ty and excite­ment is what kept me going and in turn, I grew and got better…and better…and bet­ter. And it has been worth the pain and frus­tra­tions along the way.…because I GREW out of them.

I am expe­ri­enc­ing those feel­ings all over again.…because sit­ting here, writ­ing this post is still a new adven­ture for me. Scary. Exciting.

Do you have some­thing you have want­ed to give a go, but are hold­ing back? A job change? A new sport? A per­son­al fit­ness goal? A blog post? LOL

Make your life your adventure.…I promise you, it’s more fun.

I am cur­rent­ly lis­ten­ing to the book The E Myth Revis­it­ed and it is quite sim­ply the most bril­liant book I have lis­tened to in some time. OK, true con­fes­sion, I did lis­ten to The Stand by Stephen King recent­ly and it was an amaz­ing piece of fic­tion, but that tru­ly is a whole oth­er story.

In the E Myth Revis­it­ed, Ger­ber expert­ly ana­lyzes the dis­tinc­tion between work­ing on your busi­ness and work­ing in your busi­ness. And whether you have your own busi­ness or not, this book will open your eyes to so many ways you can become better…AT ANYTHING in your life.

I now have more thought pro­vok­ing infor­ma­tion that will help me as I move for­ward with my goals here at Bet­ter Lifestyle Solu­tions. Cre­at­ing val­ue. Help­ing oth­ers. Sharing.

Will it be hard? Probably…worth it? Absolutely.

LIVE BETTER my friends…

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