What I’m about to share, I hope hap­pens to you on occa­sion. It’s that instant mem­o­ry reflec­tion that can hap­pen when the air has that cer­tain smell or the morn­ing sun­rise feels like deja vu.

This morn­ing when I opened up our garage door at 6 AM to bring in the paper, I was instant­ly trans­port­ed back in time as soon as I walked into the out­side air.

It felt exact­ly like so many ear­ly morn­ings back in Cal­i­for­nia dur­ing the ear­ly sum­mer months from 1976 — 1979. I was prepar­ing for The Tevis Cup 100 Mile One Day Ride, an epic endurance ride on horse­back through the Sier­ra Neva­da moun­tains from Squaw Val­ley to Auburn.

I could very eas­i­ly write a detailed sto­ry of what that con­di­tion­ing process entails, but that isn’t where I want to go with my message.

What I was remind­ed of was how in order to reach goals, it takes plan­ning and exe­cu­tion, regard­less of the goal. And it takes being committed.

My horse, Dimaar, was an Ara­bi­an stal­lion. The Ara­bi­an is the most pop­u­lar breed used for endurance ride com­pe­ti­tion because they are known for their nat­ur­al desire to “look over the next hill.”

What­ev­er you might be work­ing on, per­son­al­ly, in busi­ness or both, remem­ber to PLAN, DO and REVIEW.…repeat.…and be like Dimaar and always, always keep look­ing over the next hill.

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