Hap­py East­er Sunday!

As of today…for those of you that might be read­ing this post some­time in the future…we are all still in the COVID 19 pan­dem­ic and have been in quar­an­tine for a lit­tle over 3 weeks.

So far, my fam­i­ly is all in great shape, we are obey­ing the rules and I am the one in our tribe that goes out, but only when necessary.

One thing I have noticed at the gro­cery store, is the scarci­ty of flour…and yeast.

So is EVERYONE bak­ing bread? It’s sort of fun­ny actually…to me any­way, because I con­sid­er myself a gen­uine NON BAKER and have had a bag of flour in my freez­er for some time.

Don’t get me wrong, you will find a few muf­fin recipes here on my blog of INSPIRATION, but those were designed and cre­at­ed because I had a spe­cif­ic goal in mind to cre­ate a healthy alter­na­tive for my clients that enjoy baked goods.

Truth be told, bak­ing is real­ly not my thing!

But I’m here to tell you, this No Knead Bread will make you look like a super­star baker…it’s so easy and so delicious!


No Knead Bread

Serv­ings 1 loaf
Author Liz Geeslin


  • Heavy pot with a lid that can with­stand a 450 degree oven…enameled cast iron is ideal.
  • Parch­ment paper


  • 3 cups all pur­pose flour
  • 1 1/​2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tsp dry active yeast
  • 1 1/​2 cups warm water — 105 degrees


  • In a large mix­ing bowl, add the flour, yeast and salt.
  • Add the the warm water to the flour mixture.
  • Using a spat­u­la, stir just until it is all combined…it will be gooey.
  • Cov­er with plas­tic wrap and set aside for 8 – 24 hours…I put mine in the oven overnight or in the laun­dry room out of the way.
  • The mix­ture will about dou­ble in size and be “bub­bly” on the sur­face at this point.
  • When ready to bake, place the pot with the lid on into the oven and set heat to 450.…it is crit­i­cal the pot goes in before you preheat!
  • While the oven is pre­heat­ing, spread some flour onto a work­ing sur­face, cut­ting board or counter and have a large piece of parch­ment paper near by.
  • Remove the plas­tic wrap from the bowl and sprin­kle some flour over the sur­face of the bub­bly dough, then scoop along the sides and pour onto the work­ing surface.
  • Using both hands cov­ered with some more flour, pick up the dough and “cloak it” into a ball by tuck­ing and folding…it does­n’t have to be perfect…if it gets sticky, add a bit more flour.
  • Set the ball of dough onto the parch­ment paper and light­ly dust the top with flour.
  • Using a ser­rat­ed knife, light­ly score three slices across the top.
  • When the oven is to 450, care­ful­ly remove the lid off the pot and pick up the parch­ment paper and dough and set into the pot and replace the lid.
  • Set your timer for 30 min­utes, then remove the lid and bake for 10 min­utes longer. If you like your bread dark­er, add anoth­er 5 minutes.
  • Care­ful­ly lift the loaf out with the parch­ment paper and place on a cool­ing rack.
  • It will be hard to wait cut­ting into it, but wait at least 10 min­utes to do so…if possible!

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