I LOVE quinoa and this sal­ad is one of my favorite summer…or anytime…salads.

As always, I like to make quan­ti­ties that will last sev­er­al days or so I have enough to share with a friend or family.

I’ve cooked quinoa in my Instant Pot, my rice cook­er and on the stove­top but to keep things sim­ple, here is a link for stove­top instruc­tions that will show you just how easy it is.

I do think you will enjoy explor­ing that site and all of my veg­e­tar­i­an friends out there, I think you’ll real­ly like what you find!

You might want to cut this recipe in half the first time around so you can see just how much it does make and remem­ber, MAKE IT YOUR OWN!

Add ingre­di­ents you like to sub­sti­tute for those you don’t! There are no rules here!

Enjoy and PLEASE let me know if you do give this a try!


Quinoa Vegetable Salad

Serv­ings 20
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 4 1/​2 cups quinoa all gold­en or a blend with red quinoa
  • 9 cups water
  • 1 medi­um red onion diced fine
  • 2 medi­um red bell pep­pers diced fine
  • 1 large Eng­lish cucum­ber, unpeeled diced fine
  • 4 stalks cel­ery diced fine
  • 2 small yel­low squash diced fine
  • 2 15 oz cans gar­ban­zo beans rinsed and drained
  • 1 — 2 bunch­es cilantro or pars­ley chopped fine
  • 1 — 2 cups vinai­grette dress­ing of your choice 


  • Pre­pare the quinoa and cool. I’ve includ­ed a link in the post with an easy stove top method!
  • Pre­pare all of the veg­eta­bles. I do this a day ahead some­times, then com­bine every­thing tpgeth­er the next day.
  • In a very large bowl, add in the veg­eta­bles and then the quinoa. Gen­tly fold to combine.
  • Add your dress­ing a lit­tle at a time until it has the con­sis­ten­cy that you like. I don’t care for a real­ly “wet” sal­ad so this method works great.
  • Taste for sea­son­ings and chill!
  • This sal­ad will hold for almost a week in the fridge!


As far as the dress­ing goes, I used a Good Sea­sons dress­ing shak­er bot­tle and added lemon juice, Pen­zey’s Sand­wich Sprin­kle sea­son­ing, minced gar­lic and olive oil.
Aldi’s has some real­ly nice bot­tled dress­ings but I did­n’t have any on hand so I used what I had!

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