This dish is so sim­ple and sat­is­fy­ing, yet impres­sive enough to be called “com­pa­ny worthy”.

I enjoy my time in the kitchen, but spend­ing the time it takes to slow cook risot­to the tra­di­tion­al way isn’t my cup of tea.…6 min­utes in the Instant Pot is much more appealing!

I have a 6 quart Instant Pot and use it A LOT.…it’s a wel­comed kitchen tool for me and afford­able at $79.…it has MORE than paid for itself in convenience.

I make this recipe using aspara­gus as well as sub­sti­tut­ing roast­ed salmon “bites” for the shrimp.…I’ll say it again, use your imagination…if some­thing sounds good to you, DO IT!


Shrimp and Lemon Spinach Risotto

Course Main Course
Serv­ings 6 serv­ings
Author Liz Geeslin


  • Instant Pot


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/​2 cup diced onion
  • 1 large lemon, zest­ed and juiced
  • 1 1/​2 cups arbo­rio rice or a high qual­i­ty sushi rice I use Kokuho Rose
  • 1/​2 cup white wine or ver­mouth I use dry vermouth
  • 4 cups chick­en broth
  • 1/​2 cup grat­ed parme­san cheese Romano is good also
  • 8 oz fresh baby spinach
  • salt and pep­per to taste
  • 48 — 60 cooked shrimp depend­ing on shrimp size, I serve 8 — 10 per serving


  • Dice the onion, zest and juice the lemon, mea­sure out the rice, mea­sure out the wine, broth, cheese and spinach…set all aside.
  • Set your Instant Pot to saute and add the oil.
  • When the oil is hot, add the onion and cook until soft­ened and translu­cent, not browned.
  • Add the rice and the lemon zest and stir to coat with the oil…rice will start to want to stick to the pot.
  • At that point, add the wine and con­tin­ue stir­ring until rice begins to get creamy and starts to stick to the pot.
  • Add the chick­en broth, stir­ring up any rice that has stuck to the bottom.
  • Can­cel the saute set­ting and place the lid on and secure, make sure the vent is closed.
  • Set on high pres­sure for 6 minutes.
  • When time is up, turn off the pot, quick release and remove lid.
  • The rice will appear loose, that’s OK…add the cheese, lemon juice, then the spinach leaves a hand­ful at a time and stir into the rice. The resid­ual heat will soft­en them into the rice and the rice will thick­en slightly.
  • Taste for salt and pepper…it will need both.
  • Warm up or cook your shrimp, fold into the rice and serve.

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