I was hooked after my very first serving…

This recipe is actu­al­ly from an Indi­anapo­lis Junior League cook­book that was pub­lished YEARS ago and was giv­en to me as a gift by the host­ess that served this fresh twist on salad.

Eat­ing in sea­son is so great…visit your farmer’s mar­ket, pick up the veg­eta­bles and make this bowl of sum­mer good­ness and have a party!


Summer Corn Salad

A per­fect com­bi­na­tion of sum­mer veg­eta­bles in a light Dijon dressing
Course Sal­ad
Cui­sine Amer­i­can
Serv­ings 10 serv­ings
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 4 cups corn ker­nels about 8 cooked ears
  • 1 large sweet onion diced fine
  • 2 medi­um zuc­chi­ni unpeeled and diced
  • 1 bunch green onion sliced fine
  • 1 large red bell pep­per diced fine
  • 1 large green bell pep­per diced fine
  • 1/​4 cup fresh pars­ley chopped fine…may sub­sti­tute cilantro


  • 1 t minced gar­lic
  • 1/​4 t salt
  • 1/​8 t pep­per
  • 2 t sug­ar
  • 1 t ground cumin
  • 2 t Dijon mus­tard
  • 1/​2 t hot pep­per sauce
  • 2/​3 cup light olive oil or canola oil
  • 1/​3 cup white vine­gar


  • In a large bowl, mix the corn thru the parsley.
  • In a small bowl, whisk togeth­er the dress­ing ingredients.
  • Gen­tly toss the dress­ing with the vegetables.
  • Chill 8 hours before serving.


If you have fresh sweet corn avail­able in your area, there is no need to cook it! Just remove the ker­nels from the fresh ears and make your sal­ad! When you do cook your corn, try to keep it a bit under cooked for the best results!
I would love to hear any spins you put on this deli­cious salad!

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