Modern Mac N Cheese

Modern Mac N Cheese

This was real­ly fun to do. A dear friend of mine has “camp” at her house for a week dur­ing the sum­mer with her four grand­chil­dren. They do enjoy cook­ing and she asked me if I could do a cook­ing class for them. So I made them a video!

Spaghetti Squash Tutorial…15 Seconds!

Spaghetti Squash Tutorial…15 Seconds!

A cou­ple years ago, I was talk­ing to a long time friend from my cir­cle of “horse friends” and the sub­ject of spaghet­ti squash came up. She had heard about it, but had nev­er pre­pared one and I told her I would show her how to “shred it” by tak­ing a video. 

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