I’m sure if you’ve watched any of my Face­book LIVES or read a post or two here, you’ve heard me say to do every­thing you can to SET YOURSELF UP TO WIN!

If you take the time to plan ahead and make meals that are quick to warm up when you are busy, life is just BETTER. This recipe takes 10 min­utes to put togeth­er and 35 min­utes to bake…so go gro­cery shop­ping and make these deli­cious, per­fect­ly PFC (pro­tein-fat-carb) bal­anced quiches!

Easy to grab and warm in the microwave…each one is 50 calo­ries, 2g fat, 3g carbs and 4g of pro­tein so you can have a quick one to two quiche snack or a full sat­is­fy­ing meal with four or five.

Just a thought, you might want to make two batches!


Broccoli Cheese Quiches

Course Break­fast
Cui­sine Amer­i­can
Serv­ings 36 quiche “muffins”
Calo­ries 50kcal
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 1 quart Egg Beat­ers
  • 1 cup skim milk or almond milk
  • 2 12 oz bags frozen chopped broc­coli Microwave each bag for 5 min­utes to thaw and par­tial­ly cook.
  • 2 cups shred­ded ched­dar cheese
  • 1 tbsp sea­son­ings of your choice
  • 1/​3 cup dried onion


  • Pre­heat oven to 375.
  • Microwave each bag of broc­coli for 5 min­utes and set aside.
  • In a medi­um bowl, add the eggs, milk, dried onion and sea­son­ing and whisk well.
  • Add the broc­coli and cheese and stir to combine.
  • Using a 1/​4 mea­sur­ing cup, por­tion into muf­fin cups, you should get 36. If using sil­i­cone muf­fin cups, place them on a bak­ing rack on top of a bak­ing sheet.
  • Bake for 35 min­utes, or until they feel a lit­tle firm to the touch.
  • Cool and store in the fridge or freezer!


This recipe is deli­cious sub­sti­tut­ing spinach for the broc­coli and you can change up the cheese to your liking! 

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