I love to share things I’ve learned and for 17 years, I have been learn­ing “on the job” as a per­son­al chef.

Over that course of time, I’ve dis­cov­ered ways to be more effi­cient, enjoy the process more and to sim­pli­fy a lot of the tasks involved when prepar­ing food.

This video is the first of a series of 4 videos that I put togeth­er for my pri­vate Face­book group, LIVE BETTER with Inspi­ra­tion, Solu­tions and Results

I hope you enjoy learn­ing about some of my favorite kitchen tools and think about tak­ing the chal­lenge I share at the end…I’d love to know if you do!

You can find the list of my favorites and where to get them right here.

Do you have ques­tions about some­thing in particular?

Let’s have a chat! You can reach out right here!


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