I just love it when I can find almost every ingre­di­ent I need to pull a fun meal togeth­er right in my pantry.

Over the years I’ve grav­i­tat­ed towards a vari­ety of “extras” to have in the mix along with plen­ty of beans, toma­toes, pas­tas and such.

This video is the sec­ond in a series of four called Kitchen Whim­sy that I did for my LIVE BETTER with Inspi­ra­tion, Solu­tions and Results pri­vate Face­book group where I go through some of my favorite pantry provisions.

If you want some ideas on kitchen tools that are worth their weight along with some thoughts on kitchen work flow, take a look at the first video of the series, Is Your Kitchen A “Hap­py Place”.

And here’s a list of My Pantry Favorites and this print­able Pantry Inven­to­ry Check­list Sheet might come in handy too!

Have ques­tions? I’d love to help! You can reach out right here!


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