This video was record­ed a few years ago, but it’s worth the watch for the tips and tricks with this fan­tas­tic recipe!

So fun to have these on hand for a quick, easy fun lunch or dinner!


Jalapeno Blue Cheese Turkey Burgers

Serv­ings 12 burg­ers
Author Liz Geeslin


  • 3 pounds ground turkey, 93% or 85% lean
  • 1 12 oz frozen chopped bell pep­pers, thawed and drained or 1 large green bell pep­per diced
  • 2 4 oz cans diced jalapenos, drained
  • 3/​4 cup dried bread crumbs, reg or gluten free you can also use ground oatmeal
  • 3 large eggs or 3/​4 cup Egg Beaters
  • 8 – 10 ounces crum­bled Blue Cheese
  • 1 tsp salt


  • Pre­heat oven to 375.
  • In a large bowl, com­bine all of the ingre­di­ents and gen­tly mix well.
    I use rub­ber gloves to mix every­thing and it works great!
  • Either por­tion into 12 burg­ers using a form or by hand or por­tion into muf­fin tins.
  • If mak­ing burg­ers, brown each side and place on a bak­ing sheet. 
  • Fin­ish the burg­ers in the oven for 25 — 30 minutes.
  • If mak­ing mini muffins, bake for 15 min­utes, larg­er muffins, bake for 25.
  • Enjoy!


These are such a hit with my clients! To freeze, wrap the burg­ers in plas­tic wrap and store in a freez­er Ziplock bag.
You can freeze the muffins unwrapped on a bak­ing sheet, then once frozen, store in a freez­er bag.

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