I have a great life.… help­ing peo­ple live bet­ter and mak­ing my liv­ing at the same time. It’s per­fect. Well, most­ly perfect.

About 3 years ago, I start­ed doing a lit­tle art… some paint­ing. Just for fun. What I dis­cov­ered was how much I LOVED it. It was chal­leng­ing, but I savored that chal­lenge and was proud of each “cre­ation” I fin­ished. I could look at a fin­ished piece and relive the feel­ings I had while cre­at­ing it.

It’s been on my mind recent­ly that I have been ignor­ing that part of my brain this last year.…to play with art.…and I must make it a part of my day again…someway, some­how. It is part of who I am, and it can’t be ignored any longer.

One of my favorite online class­es I took was Sketch­book Skool. It isn’t ART school.…it’s about learn­ing to PLAY and the joy mak­ing art can bring. You see, as a lit­tle girl I did­n’t play with paint and crayons much.…I was out­side pre­tend­ing my bike was a horse or har­ness­ing our poor dog Raven to a wag­on pre­tend­ing SHE was a horse.

So my inner art child wants some time in my day.…and I think I’ll let her have it. I have sketch­books, pen­cils, col­ored pen­cils, water­col­or paint, acrylic paint.…I have the stuff.

So now it’s time to start back with a lit­tle “art before breakfast”.….thank you Dan­ny Gre­go­ry.


Do you have some­thing that you’ve put on the back burn­er? Been mean­ing to pick up again? I would love to hear how you grabbed it back up and made it a priority!

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