It’s Time To Say YES To PFC Muffins!

It’s Time To Say YES To PFC Muffins!

OK… I get it.… you are won­der­ing “what in the world is a PFC muf­fin”… There is a good chance if you pop in and read some of my blog posts, that you might find me refer­ring to “eat­ing PFC”. PFC is short for Pro­tein, Fat, and Car­bo­hy­drate and when these ele­ments are in bal­ance, so is your blood sugar.

Kale and Quinoa Minestrone Soup

Kale and Quinoa Minestrone Soup

This mine­strone soup, actu­al­ly more like a stew, is packed with nutri­tion, is so sat­is­fy­ing and I knew she would love it. Have fun with this recipe by swap­ping out some of ingre­di­ents for oth­er options.…I’ve made some notes below in the recipe!

Immersion Blenders…Cuisinart or KitchenAid?

Immersion Blenders…Cuisinart or KitchenAid?

I would like to begin this post with an apol­o­gy. I have been putting off this par­tic­u­lar post because I was wait­ing for the “right” time to take the video. Ridicu­lous excuse. And I’m leav­ing for vaca­tion (Hawaii…with my bestie…51 years of friend­ship) tomor­row, so I need­ed to get on it. 

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