The Golden Rules For Goal Setting

The Golden Rules For Goal Setting

As 2017 is com­ing to a close, there is that antic­i­pa­tion of New Year’s res­o­lu­tions and set­ting goals for 2018. I’ve nev­er been a big “res­o­lu­tion” per­son, but I do like look­ing ahead towards the New Year with set­ting some new goals. 

Will This Be Hard? Probably…

Will This Be Hard? Probably…

It became VERY CLEAR that I learned how to do some­thing quite sim­ply by JUST DOING IT. Over and over and over again.… and even­tu­al­ly, I got good at it.Was there pain? Sure, but not unbear­able. Were there frus­tra­tions? Absolute­ly, but worth it. 

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