It’s Time To Say YES To PFC Muffins!

It’s Time To Say YES To PFC Muffins!

OK… I get it.… you are won­der­ing “what in the world is a PFC muf­fin”… There is a good chance if you pop in and read some of my blog posts, that you might find me refer­ring to “eat­ing PFC”. PFC is short for Pro­tein, Fat, and Car­bo­hy­drate and when these ele­ments are in bal­ance, so is your blood sugar.

Hip Pain Relief.…Google to the Rescue

Hip Pain Relief.…Google to the Rescue

A week or so ago, I did a new work­out video. It was the Gin Miller Work­out with Weights DVD and I real­ly love her teach­ing style and mod­er­ate pace. I have not been very dili­gent about work­ing out with weights…bad bad girl…but pret­ty dis­ci­plined with walk­ing on the tread­mill on a reg­u­lar basis. 

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